Saturday, March 1, 2008

SBM Meeting Minutes Feb 25, 2008

1. WASC and PDs
2. Superintendent Brewer's Plan and PDs
3. Suspension Data
4. District Progressive Discipline Policy Training
5. Recycling

1. WASC and PDs: Schedule presented and approved, will be added to online calendar

2. Superintendent Brewer's Plan and PDsSingle Site Plan is available online via LAHS website

Online "needs assessment" will be available. All LAHS staff will be notified by email. It is due by March 10. This is a survey that asks us what we are doing, what we are not doing.

We have been assigned Mr. Schiller (outside contractor who lives in Virginia to MGT of Florida) to help us write our Single School Plan. He is a data expert.

We will publicize to staff and on Parent night translated into Spanish (Mr. Austin) and Korean (Dr. Choe) the need for input and participation to write our Plan.

Topics to focus on : Standards-based instruction, Discipline Plan, Professional Development

3. In House Suspension Data: 6-8 students per day

4. District Progressive Discipline Policy Training -- March 7th, attendees will be
Avari, Mitra
Espinoza, Nicenia
Garcia, Carlos
Litvinoff, Marianne
Morales, Nadia
UTLA or proxy
Wallace, Tracy
White, Violetta

5. Recycling: SLC Lead teachers to coordinate student service workers Thursday afternoons to help roll the blue bins out through the parking lot to the curb for early Friday morning pickup.
SLC's may ask for a blue bin of their own.

Ms Alton Leadership
CST Publicize Schedule
LAHS Beautification Plan
Brewer Plan

SBM Meeting Minutes January 28

Present: Pineda, Lee, Harada, Rabinowitz, Spivey, Solomon, Jimenez, Dacaret, Knepper, Conley, Griffin, Anthony, Valadez

Copy Machines
ISIS for disciplinary reporting
Discipline Committee Report/Code of Conduct
PD Calendar Adjustment

1. Copy Machine: Relocation to either College Gateways or HERO office till Library or 150 is ready

2. ISIS for Disciplinary Reporting: Not possible so suggestion that SLCs use Google Groups which IS NOT blocked >To be mentioned at Lead Teacher Meeting

3. Discipline Committee:
Code of Conduct: Flier to include language “gang related activity”
Intervention Referral Sheet: Dress code violation should be under both counselor and dean; please research fiscal impact of doing pressure sensitive 3 layer copies
In House Suspension:
PROBLEMS >> Ms Spivey invites us all to attend Wednesdays
teachers not getting requests for work
feedback to teachers about students who are in and when is not happening
repeaters—need another strategy

4. Extended HR for 9th grade 20 minutes for presentations on SLCs Thursday Feb 21st Approved unanimously
Short meeting needed Feb 4 to discuss WASC and PD schedule changes

Small Meeting February 4, 2008: Dacarat, Harada, Solomon, Simmons, Conley, Rabinowitz, Moore
Mock visitation will occur 11th or 13th of March, therefore ð
March 4th Department PD – 20 minutes devoted to preparing for Mock visitation (what to do)
April 1st SLC PD – 20 minutes devoted to preparing for WASC Visitation (what to say)
April 18th Regular PD (Why has this been designated to start at 12:34 and how is it for A, B and C tracks?
April 21, 22, 23 – instead of WASC, it should be changed to finals for C track 1:38 dismissal

Agenda for 2/11/08
Next Year’s PD Schedule (a.m.)
Solutions to lunch hour littering?
Students and classified on SBM
Vacancy on A track and Classified Vacancy

Sunday, January 20, 2008

SBM Meeting Minutes, January 7, 2008

PRESENT: Kim Harada, Diane Rabinowitz, Violetta White, Rebecca Solomon, Richard Jenssen, Gina Radogna, Sergio Dacaret, Leigh Conley, Elena Anthony, Daniel Lee

1. Finalize and Prepare PD calendar for Distribution
2. Discipline Committee Report
3. In-House Suspension Room Update
4. Keys and Key Policy

1. Finalize and Prepare PD calendar for Distribution
PD Tuesdays and other key dates list will be published

2. Discipline Committee Report: by Mr. Jenssen
Has been meeting on Wednesdays.

Code of Conduct: Mr. Jenssen submitted to SBM a working document—listing expectations for student conduct, guiding principles for everyone at the school, and a parent/student signoff sheet. Will be “Romanized” and resubmitted it to SBM. Distribute in HR to all students before back to school night; to be included in registration / welcome packet from now on. To be translated into Spanish and Korean. Motion passed unanimously.

Student Intervention Referral form:
Q. Can there be follow-up back to teachers advising action taken by the dean’s office?
A. Mr. Jenssen says it is his intention to train Dean’s office personnel to do so.
Q. Does having a second carbon copy make it easier?
A. Yes, especially it the second copy is used to provide a response to teachers.
Q. Is it possible to have electronic documentation of referrals?
A. It was removed from ISIS—Mr. Jenssen will ask Sergio, Mannion, &/or District IT.
Q. Are there stacks of these referral slips around here somewhere? because they were just printed last year by Ms. White.
A. Mr. Jenssen will look around as well as ask Ms. White.

In-House Suspension Report: by Mr.Jenssen
Ms. Litvinoff has been doing a great job. Posters on wall with positive messages, classical music, students are doing classwork submitted by their regular classroom teachers, students are being counseled. There are maximum of 14 students. Typically there are 3-6 students scheduled per day for offenses such as detention no-show; another 6 or so brought in during the day for ditching, tardy sweep, etc. LAHS has been recognized for a sharp decrease in suspensions. It has been recommended that in-house suspension be used even for fights and drug use. Students suspended in-house still are counted as present. If students don’t work out there, they are then formally suspended. We think this has been creating a reduction in truancy. Students do not like in-house suspension—it’s acting as a deterrent.

3. Keys & Key Policy – Mr. Jenssen
It is district policy that teachers must hand in their keys at the end of each term. Flexibility exists on case by case basis.
Exterior gates were re-keyed, and only administrators, plant manager, and coaches have been given keys. There are two attendants manning the parking lot during after school hours so that Adult school teachers can arrive, and LAHS teachers can leave.

AGENDA FOR January 28, 2008
1. Testing Schedule
2. Disciplinary Data / ISIS
3. Update on Code of Conduct
4. Can Professional Development be scheduled in the morning?
5. Rodents and Pests: Solutions to lunch hour littering?
5. Student on SBM?

Respectfully submitted by: secretary 1/08/08

Monday, October 22, 2007

SBM Minutes 10/22/07

PRESENT: Kim Harada, Diane Rabinowitz, Brian Wallace, Willie McBride, Patrick Ryan, Violetta White, Rebecca Solomon, Felicia Perez, Jinoo Choi, Tracy Wallace, Martha Vargas, Richard Jensen

1. In School Suspension Update
2. Roman Code of Conduct
3. C Track Finals Schedule Feedback
4. Department Budgets – Mr. Glynn
5. Professional Development Survey

1. In School Suspension Report
First run with Hardy, Franklin, and Pena was difficult to manage. Second run with one teacher, Ms. Litvinoff, has worked better. We are currently not prepared to have the Ripples program. Ms. Litvinoff got students’ homework, and created 20-50 minute mini-lessons in reading, writing, math, career, and lessons from the LA Times. Intake is done by Dean (students who would normally be suspended for various rule infractions), and students who are found truant. SSC has no funding available as QEIA money must be saved for mid year renorming.
Guiding questions: Is ADA recovering the cost of a teacher? Is this program effective? How can we measure its effectiveness?
MOTION made and PASSED 8-1 (Solomon one dissenting vote): Recommend to SSC that they find funding for InSchool suspension / Learning Lab with academic and behavioral component; and that the position be filled by the most qualified person, be it dean or off track teacher.

2. Roman Code of Conduct.
made and PASSED: Discipline subcommittee plus stakeholders produce a Roman Code of Conduct that considers the Ed Code 48900, and the District’s Schoolwide Discipline Plan, as well as the documents we currently have. SBM members requested to read Mr. Ryan’s document and send him notes by Friday, Oct 26..

3. C Track Finals Schedule
made and PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: Make sure a phone blast has occurred to inform parents and students of the schedule for Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Make announcements via intercom before 1st period, during homeroom, before lunch, after school, to remind students and teachers of the schedule. Remind teachers that Tuesday is Department PD and teachers can leave on Wednesday at 1:38. Friday is a full day for A Track. Thursday is C track’s last day.
Ms. Anthony says keep in mind the extra cost of 10 buses per day when a schedule change is made.
Formal or Informal Survey to find out if it works for folks. WHO WILL DO THIS?

5. Department Budgets.
Mr. Glynn will have this ready for next time.

6. Professional Development Survey
As requested by this committee’s last meeting, Ms. Wilmington provided Ms. Rabinowitz a list of resources the district and the county office can provide for Intervention PD. In keeping with the policy that teachers will design their own PDs by SLC and/or Department, a survey was distributed to teachers to find out what areas teachers most want to learn more about. Although only 8 surveys have been returned to date, Academic Intervention and Reframing Self-Talk were the two highest priority interventions requested. Ms. White recommended that we put this survey online. It was also noted that teachers may use these themes in their SLC Buy Back day discussions.

7. Hall Pass Report
Mr. Jensen is exploring having hall passes made with SLC identity by the Shop Class. Estimate is $1.25 per pass.

AGENDA FOR November 5, 2007
1. In-School Suspension update
2. Roman Code of Conduct
3. A-Track and classified elections
4. Roman Supervision Schedule
5. Hall Pass report

Respectfully submitted by: Diane Rabinowitz 10/22/07

Monday, October 8, 2007

SBM Meeting 10/08/07

PRESENT: Kim Harada, Diane Rabinowitz, Brian Wallace, Willie McBride, Patrick Ryan, Violetta White, Rebecca Solomon, Kevin Glynn, Gina Radogna, Carol Wilmington, Karla Spivey, Martha Martinez, Gemina Rustrian, Felica Perez

1. In School Suspension Update – Mr. Jensen
2. Roman Code of Conduct – Ms. Radogna, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Jensen
3. C Track Finals Schedule – Mr. Garcia
4. Department Budgets – Mr. Glynn
5. Professional Development – Ms. Wilmington
6. Homecoming Game – Early Dismissal schedule proposal - Leadership

1. In School Suspension Update
Ms. Solomon pledges to compile and present teacher suggestions about In School Suspension activities. Mr. Jensen not at meeting. Tabled till next meeting.

2. Roman Code of Conduct.
Mr. Ryan reminded us of the legal issues surrounding protected classes. After reviewing the code his main comment is we need school wide consequences for infractions. Motion to select a Mr. Ryan as discipline chairperson to represent SBM in Discipline Review Team meetings, and also to be the anchor who will recruit a committee from among the teachers to ensure implementation. Ms. Spivey will assist. Motion Passed. Mr. Ryan will write out recommendations for revising Roman Code of Conduct at next meeting.

3. C Track Finals Schedule
Mr. Garcia not present, but it was noted that his proposed schedule was not true to the agreement forged by this committee. Motion made and passed to amend finals week schedule as follows for the entire school:
C Track finals will be M T and W Oct 22, 23, and 24 rather than T W and Th. This is to give C track teachers time to grade finals and submit grades within the window (last day Th).
  • All three days will be 1:38 dismissal, while Thursday and Friday will be full days.
  • Department PD will be held Tuesday the 23rd as previously planned and as is on the calendar.
  • B and C tracks have pupil free days on Friday.
  • Exact schedule to be worked out by Ms. Spivey and Ms. Radogna, reviewed by Ms. Anthony, and then to SBM members for approval.
  • If agreed, Ms. Anthony will compose a memo to staff.

Leadership had requested a full day of school Friday so students will stay for the game and the Homecoming events. Both of these changes solve the problem of A track having more shortened days than C track.

5. Department Budgets.
Mr. Glynn will have this ready for next time.

6. Professional Development
This body requests that Ms. Wilmington research and present external resources available through LAUSD and LA County Dept of Education for Intervention training. Teachers want to learn intervention techniques for students in trouble, goals are improving attendance, student motivation, and reducing dropout rate. We begin the process, if possible to have workshops available at next buyback days: Oct 29, 30, 31. Ms. Wilmington can have information ready by Friday. Ms. Solomon and Ms. Rabinowitz will create a survey for teachers from this list to find out what are teacher priorities. Also can be done in SLCs. Ms. Spivey mentioned Nancy Franklin’s office, which provided a workshop on interventions for behavior.

AGENDA FOR October 22 2007
1. In-School Suspension update
2. Roman Code of Conduct
3. Department Budgets - Glynn

Respectfully submitted by: Diane Rabinowitz 10/08/07

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

SBM Minutes 9/24/07

SBM Meeting 9/24/07
PRESENT: Kim Harada, Diane Rabinowitz, Baltazar Valadez, Rosa Jimenez, Rebecca Solomon, Richard Jenssen, Brian Wallace, Elena Anthony, Mr. Choi, Carlos Garcia, Ms. Vargas, Kevin Glynn
1. PD Calendar
2. SBM Elections
3. InSchool Suspension Report
4. Roman Code of Conduct
5. PSAT Oct 17 Bell Schedule
6. Period by Period Staff Meeting PSAT Training

1. PD Calendar
Conversation about Finals schedule for C track. Should we run 2 different schedules that day for A and C tracks, C track being the 2 half day final schedules? Deans’ office concerned, even though most teachers reported last year’s double schedule (no bells) just fine. And that was with more students on campus. Plus contiguous space of SLC’s will probably make different bell schedules easier to handle. Choi said campus discipline has improved over last year.
Dean’s office willing to do whatever is best for students. Is it in students’ best interest to only have to study for 2 finals a day rather than 5? Is it in students’ best interest to have the whole afternoon off, or is it better for them to remain in a structured environment? Garcia will bring another alternative schedule to next meeting. Tentative decision: Shortened day Finals schedule for C track.

2. SBM Elections
Will be held at next track change since we also have to vote for B & C track Deans. SBM losing Spivey, McBride, Glynn, Campbell. Important to find a replacement for classified staff.
Since Kevin Glynn is leaving SBM, he agreed to bring proposed department budgets next meeting.

3. Roman Code of Conduct.
Mr. Jenssen found a 4 page revised code of conduct on his computer. He feels it needs to be condensed to 2 pages max (double sided trifold flier). Next time.
Discussion about hall passes. Orange vests not working. What kind of hall passes should we use till we coordinate? Many teachers have creative ideas, do we need to standardize the pass or just make sure all teachers are using some kind of pass. Need to change code because it specifies student planner is hall pass; we are not issuing student planners this year. Ms. Rabinowitz reported a scarcity of security on 3rd floor. Mr. Jenssen said Dean’s office is understaffed by 2, but he will get someone up to the 3rd floor more regularly.

4. In School Suspension Report
Teacher questionnaires (what should students be doing in ISS?)
ISS has been tried out one day so far with 5 extremely troublesome students. It took over 1 hour to get class work/homework for the students and they were too difficult to manage, let alone getting them to do their work.
Mr. Franklin will eat lunch with the students in Room 500 pending contract check by Ms. Solomon. Parent conferences must be attached to in house suspension. Ripples program will be tried out in next two weeks, pending Ms. Diomedes’ time availability to work with the teachers supervising ISS. Proposed that teachers be notified in their box of student assignment to ISS and ask them to have work ready during 1st period the day students are serving. Mr. Jenssen will report back in two weeks.

5. PSAT Wednesday Oct 17.
10th graders fees are paid by LAUSD, waivers available for 11th graders. Only students not taking PSAT are seniors and 9th graders. Seniors will have Sr. Meeting, Panorama Picture and College Fair. 9th graders will have Roman Holiday. There are total 600 seniors, 400 on A & C tracks. 1200 students will be tested from 7:30 to 11:15 in their homerooms. Afternoon schedule is 27 minute periods, proposal is that all students will follow this schedule.

6. Period by Period training for all staff administering PSAT
Ms. Anthony proposes Oct 15 period by Period meetings. Dr. Choe wants to meet with teachers to strategize attendance improvement.

AGENDA FOR October 10 2007
1. In-School Suspension update
2. Roman Code of Conduct
3. C Track Finals Schedule
4. Department Budgets - Glynn

Respectfully submitted by: Diane Rabinowitz 9/25/07

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

SBM Meeting 8/27/07

PRESENT: Anthony, Ryan, Ms. Vargas, Solomon, Harada, Rabinowitz, Colon, Richard, Jenssen, Franklin, Pascual
1. Report from PE Department
2. Library update
3. In-school suspension update 4. Jenssen update on discipline
5. Richard on Hoodie awards

1. PE Department
Mr. Colon reported that PE Teachers are expected to be in 3 places at a time, and therefore supervision of students suffers. They are supposed to be on the line, in the locker room, and in their offices submitting attendance. How can they adequately supervise their charges (and watch out for ditching students) when there are problems to prevent in the locker room? It’s a manpower situation, he says.
Ms. Solomon said will bring recommendation to the SSC to budget 2 locker room attendants, Palm Pilots for PE teachers. In the interim, PE teachers may submit periods 1-3 attendance before lunch and 4-6 after 3pm.
Mr. Franklin also wants a reminder put out to all teachers to observe the 10 minute rule. Ms. Rabinowitz agreed to make a poster, which will be approved and distributed by Mr. Jenssen.

2. Library Update—Ms. Anthony
The mold has been abated. Asbestos abatement has begun; the library has been sealed with polyethylene; the air will be tested and the room will be opened only when the air quality is deemed acceptable. One month will be required for the district to put together all the parts—tile, carpet, electricians, computer procurement and installation, library books, stacks rebuilt, etc.
In the meantime, Ms. Pratt will be trained in “digital library concept”.
Alternatives to library use were identified—the library across the street, Pan Pacific Park. Testing pullouts? Ms. Anthony will send an announcement to teachers to inform them.

3. In-School Suspension Program – Ms Anthony
Ripple Effect is a computer program for behavior modification. By modified Consent Decree, we are required to have Alternatives to Suspension, especially for RSP and SDC students. This program will be housed in room 500 and Ms. Blackson is being considered for the job of supervising it. For it to come on line: Notice home to parents informing them that in school suspension program is part of our discipline policy. Mr. Jenssen will look over the room and talk with Mr. Mannion about getting the hardware installed. There are currently 3 computers over there, 2 more are needed. Ms. Wilmington is in charge of installing the software on the computers. The SBM committee recommended that care be taken to select a teacher who will be particularly effective to supervise the students to modify their behavior. Actual timeline will be ready next meeting.

4. Mr. Jenssen update on Discipline
TARDY SWEEP: Period 1 tardies before 8am are being seen by their counselors. After 8am tardy students go to the cafeteria where their info is entered into the computer. Counselors get to see who is chronically tardy so they can work with students and their parents to improve attendance. Other periods, swept to quad, parents notified.
SCHOOL SECURITY —Roman schedule includes 2 Romans to South campus, especially near the tennis courts. Mr. Jenssen does Monday perimeter search of the campus to identify holes in fences that need fixing.
DISCIPLINE IN GENERAL –Fliers will be made and distributed to reiterate no hats, no electronics, 10 minute rule. We request list of consequences for each category of unacceptable behavior. If weapons are discovered or suspected, teachers are advised to call administrators immediately, not 911, unless impossible to reach admin.

5. Richard on Hoodie Awards
LAHS was among top 4 nominated for best high school in U.S. She requests support from SBM to highlight the positives at LAHS so students, parents and teachers will vote.
Agenda for next meeting, September 10, 2007:
1. Timeline for inschool suspension program
2. Roman Code of Conduct
3. Distribution Method (?).

Respectfully submitted by Diane Rabinowitz, 8/29/07