Saturday, March 1, 2008

SBM Meeting Minutes Feb 25, 2008

1. WASC and PDs
2. Superintendent Brewer's Plan and PDs
3. Suspension Data
4. District Progressive Discipline Policy Training
5. Recycling

1. WASC and PDs: Schedule presented and approved, will be added to online calendar

2. Superintendent Brewer's Plan and PDsSingle Site Plan is available online via LAHS website

Online "needs assessment" will be available. All LAHS staff will be notified by email. It is due by March 10. This is a survey that asks us what we are doing, what we are not doing.

We have been assigned Mr. Schiller (outside contractor who lives in Virginia to MGT of Florida) to help us write our Single School Plan. He is a data expert.

We will publicize to staff and on Parent night translated into Spanish (Mr. Austin) and Korean (Dr. Choe) the need for input and participation to write our Plan.

Topics to focus on : Standards-based instruction, Discipline Plan, Professional Development

3. In House Suspension Data: 6-8 students per day

4. District Progressive Discipline Policy Training -- March 7th, attendees will be
Avari, Mitra
Espinoza, Nicenia
Garcia, Carlos
Litvinoff, Marianne
Morales, Nadia
UTLA or proxy
Wallace, Tracy
White, Violetta

5. Recycling: SLC Lead teachers to coordinate student service workers Thursday afternoons to help roll the blue bins out through the parking lot to the curb for early Friday morning pickup.
SLC's may ask for a blue bin of their own.

Ms Alton Leadership
CST Publicize Schedule
LAHS Beautification Plan
Brewer Plan

SBM Meeting Minutes January 28

Present: Pineda, Lee, Harada, Rabinowitz, Spivey, Solomon, Jimenez, Dacaret, Knepper, Conley, Griffin, Anthony, Valadez

Copy Machines
ISIS for disciplinary reporting
Discipline Committee Report/Code of Conduct
PD Calendar Adjustment

1. Copy Machine: Relocation to either College Gateways or HERO office till Library or 150 is ready

2. ISIS for Disciplinary Reporting: Not possible so suggestion that SLCs use Google Groups which IS NOT blocked >To be mentioned at Lead Teacher Meeting

3. Discipline Committee:
Code of Conduct: Flier to include language “gang related activity”
Intervention Referral Sheet: Dress code violation should be under both counselor and dean; please research fiscal impact of doing pressure sensitive 3 layer copies
In House Suspension:
PROBLEMS >> Ms Spivey invites us all to attend Wednesdays
teachers not getting requests for work
feedback to teachers about students who are in and when is not happening
repeaters—need another strategy

4. Extended HR for 9th grade 20 minutes for presentations on SLCs Thursday Feb 21st Approved unanimously
Short meeting needed Feb 4 to discuss WASC and PD schedule changes

Small Meeting February 4, 2008: Dacarat, Harada, Solomon, Simmons, Conley, Rabinowitz, Moore
Mock visitation will occur 11th or 13th of March, therefore ð
March 4th Department PD – 20 minutes devoted to preparing for Mock visitation (what to do)
April 1st SLC PD – 20 minutes devoted to preparing for WASC Visitation (what to say)
April 18th Regular PD (Why has this been designated to start at 12:34 and how is it for A, B and C tracks?
April 21, 22, 23 – instead of WASC, it should be changed to finals for C track 1:38 dismissal

Agenda for 2/11/08
Next Year’s PD Schedule (a.m.)
Solutions to lunch hour littering?
Students and classified on SBM
Vacancy on A track and Classified Vacancy

Sunday, January 20, 2008

SBM Meeting Minutes, January 7, 2008

PRESENT: Kim Harada, Diane Rabinowitz, Violetta White, Rebecca Solomon, Richard Jenssen, Gina Radogna, Sergio Dacaret, Leigh Conley, Elena Anthony, Daniel Lee

1. Finalize and Prepare PD calendar for Distribution
2. Discipline Committee Report
3. In-House Suspension Room Update
4. Keys and Key Policy

1. Finalize and Prepare PD calendar for Distribution
PD Tuesdays and other key dates list will be published

2. Discipline Committee Report: by Mr. Jenssen
Has been meeting on Wednesdays.

Code of Conduct: Mr. Jenssen submitted to SBM a working document—listing expectations for student conduct, guiding principles for everyone at the school, and a parent/student signoff sheet. Will be “Romanized” and resubmitted it to SBM. Distribute in HR to all students before back to school night; to be included in registration / welcome packet from now on. To be translated into Spanish and Korean. Motion passed unanimously.

Student Intervention Referral form:
Q. Can there be follow-up back to teachers advising action taken by the dean’s office?
A. Mr. Jenssen says it is his intention to train Dean’s office personnel to do so.
Q. Does having a second carbon copy make it easier?
A. Yes, especially it the second copy is used to provide a response to teachers.
Q. Is it possible to have electronic documentation of referrals?
A. It was removed from ISIS—Mr. Jenssen will ask Sergio, Mannion, &/or District IT.
Q. Are there stacks of these referral slips around here somewhere? because they were just printed last year by Ms. White.
A. Mr. Jenssen will look around as well as ask Ms. White.

In-House Suspension Report: by Mr.Jenssen
Ms. Litvinoff has been doing a great job. Posters on wall with positive messages, classical music, students are doing classwork submitted by their regular classroom teachers, students are being counseled. There are maximum of 14 students. Typically there are 3-6 students scheduled per day for offenses such as detention no-show; another 6 or so brought in during the day for ditching, tardy sweep, etc. LAHS has been recognized for a sharp decrease in suspensions. It has been recommended that in-house suspension be used even for fights and drug use. Students suspended in-house still are counted as present. If students don’t work out there, they are then formally suspended. We think this has been creating a reduction in truancy. Students do not like in-house suspension—it’s acting as a deterrent.

3. Keys & Key Policy – Mr. Jenssen
It is district policy that teachers must hand in their keys at the end of each term. Flexibility exists on case by case basis.
Exterior gates were re-keyed, and only administrators, plant manager, and coaches have been given keys. There are two attendants manning the parking lot during after school hours so that Adult school teachers can arrive, and LAHS teachers can leave.

AGENDA FOR January 28, 2008
1. Testing Schedule
2. Disciplinary Data / ISIS
3. Update on Code of Conduct
4. Can Professional Development be scheduled in the morning?
5. Rodents and Pests: Solutions to lunch hour littering?
5. Student on SBM?

Respectfully submitted by: secretary 1/08/08